View the transit schedule of Montreals STM Metro & Bus lines.Montreal Metro & Bus shows you the schedules of the bus and metro lines in Montreal. The
View the transit schedule of Montreal's STM Metro & Bus lines.
Montreal Metro & Bus shows you the schedules of the bus and metro lines in Montreal. The schedules and routes are kindly provided by the STM through their Open Data initiative.
Your location is used to show you all nearby stations (swipe to go to the next station) or you can simply search for a station, a bus/metro line, or a bus station number.
Add a station as a favourite and always find it quickly and conveniently.
A map view showing the stations and connecting lines is available in the station details.
This app was created in collaboration with RFx Software Inc.
Version 2.1:
* Various small bugfixes and improvements.
Version 2.0:
* Disable Advertisements (Premium)
* Montreal Trip Planner (Premium)
* Various minor improvements
Version 1.6:
* Application now doesn't automatically refresh when going in foreground or changing orientation.
* Fix a crash and some small UI improvements.